Indonesia, Java, Jakarta. View from MONAS, a lift runs to te top of the monument. View from MONAS, a lift runs to te top of the monument. (Photo Bjorn Grotting)
Indonesia, Java, Jakarta. View from MONAS. Most embassies in Indonesia are located in Jakarta. (Photo Bjorn Grotting)

Most embassies in Indonesia are located in Jakarta, while several nations have consular representatives in Bali as well as in some of the major cities in Indonesia. Some countries deal with Indonesia from an embassy in a third country. This is a list of foreign embassies and consulates to Indonesia. The list below may not be 100% complete.

What assistance can you expect from your embassy? You must always be aware of the laws in the country you are visiting, a noncriminal act in your home country may be subject to imprisonment in Indonesia. In that case your embassy may not be able to or willing to give you much assistance. You may get some assistance in an emergency, but don’t expect to get a free ticket home, as you are expected to have insurance. If you have lost all your money and documents you will normally get a new passport, but not money to continue your journey. Some embassies is a good source of information, but today most have their own websites, and expect the public to look for info there first.



ALGERIA Embassy of the Democratic People’s Republic of Algeria Address : Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav.10 Kuningan, 12950 Jakarta Phone : 6221-525.4719 / 525.4809 Fax : 6221-525.4654
BENIN Embassy of the Republic of Benin No. 38, Guang Hua Lu, Beijing People’s Republic of China Phone : 6532.2741 / 65322302 Fax : 6532.5103
BURKINA FASO Embassy of Burkina Faso Hiroo Glisten Hills 3F, 3-1-17, Hiroo-Shibuya-ku T156 Tokyo, Japan Phone : 3400.7919 Fax : 3400.6945
COTE D’IVOIR Embassy of the Republic of Cote d’Ivoire 2-19-12, Uehara, Shibuya-ku T151, Tokyo, Japan Phone : 5454.1401/2/3 Fax : 5454.1405
DJIBOUTI Embassy of the Republic of Djibouti 2-2-17-201, Shoto, Shibuya-ku T150 Tokyo, Japan Phone : 3481.5252/ 3481.5272 Fax : 3481.5387
ERITREA Embassy of Eritrea 1-1-2, Ta Yuan Office Building Beijing, People’s Republic of China Phone : 6532.6534 / 6532.6535 Fax : 6532.6532
ETHIOPIA Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia 1-14-15, Midorigaoka Meguro-Ku  T152 , Tokyo, Japan Phone : 3718.1003/-5 Fax : 3718.0978
GAMBIA Jakarta Consulate Wisma Metropolitan I, 10th floor, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav.29 12920 Jakarta Phone : 6221-525.1641 /-570.1491 Fax : 6221-520.7789
GABON Embassy of the Gabonese Republic 1-12-11, Kami-Osaki, Shinagawa-ku T141 Tokyo, Japan Phone : 3448.9540 Fax : 3448.1396
GHANA Embassy of the Republic of Ghana 6-2-4 Fukazawa Setagaya-Ku, Tokyo, Japan Phone : 5706.3201/4 Fax : 5706.3205
GUINEA Embassy of the Republic of Guinea No.5 Jalan Kedondong of Jalan Ampang Hilir Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Phone : 457.6500/ 452.1500/ 452.6501/ 452.6502 Fax : 451.1500
LESOTHO Embassy of the Kingdom of Lesotho No. 1-7-1, Ta Yuan Office Building Beijing, People’s Republic of China Phone : 6532.6842 / 6532.6843 Fax : 6532.6845
LIBERIA Embassy of the Republic of Liberia Daikyo-Azabu Building, 6-7 floor 2-35-1, Higaski-Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan Phone : 3585.8811/4 Fax : 3585.8813
LIBYA The People’s Bureau of the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahirya Jl. Pekalongan No.24, Menteng Jakarta 10310 Phone : 6221-335.308 /-335.754 Fax : 6221-335.726
MADAGASCAR Embassy of the Republic of Madagascar 2-3-23 Moto-Azamu Minato-Ku , T 106 Tokyo, Japan Phone : 3446.7252 / 4 Fax : 3446.7078
MALI Embassy of the Republic of Mali Jl. Mendawai III / No.18 Kebayoran Baru, 12130 Jakarta Phone : 6221-720.8472 / -726.8504 Fax : 6221-722.9589
MAURITIUS Embassy of the Republic of Mauritius Bangunan Angkasa Raya, Suite ABC -14th floor, Jl. Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Phone : 241.1870 / 241.1126 Fax : 241.5115
Jakarta Consulate Jl. K.H. Hasyim Ashari no.33-B Jakarta 11000 Phone : 6221-231.3669 Fax : 6221-231.3679
MOROCCO Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco Kuningan Plaza, South Tower Suite 512 Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said, Kav.C 11-14 , Kuningan, 12950 Jakarta Phone : 6221-520.0773 / -520.0956 Fax : 6221-520.0586
MOZAMBIQUE Embassy of the Republic of Mozambique 1-7-1, Ta Yuan Office Building Beijing, People’s Republic of China Phones : 6532.3664 / 6532.3578 Fax : 6532.5189
NAMIBIA Embassy of the Republic of Namibia No. 11, Jalan Mesra of Jalan Damai 55000, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Phone : – Fax : –
NIGERIA Embassy of the Federal Republic of Nigeria Jl. Taman Patra XIV/ No.11-11A Kuningan Timur, P.O. BOX 3649, 12950 Jakarta Indonesia Phone : 6221-526.0922 /-526.0923 Fax : 6221-526.0924
RWANDA Embassy of the Rwanda No. 38 Kowa building, room 702, 4-12-24, Nishi-Azabu, Minato-ku T 106 Tokyo, Japan Phone : 3486.7801 Fax : 3409.2434
SENEGAL Embassy of the Republic of Senegal 1-3-4 Aobadai Meguro-Ku T 153 Tokyo, Japan Phone : 3464-8451 Fax : 3464-8452
SEYCHELLES Embassy of the Republic of Seychelles 20 Avenue, Suite 900 F, New York, N.Y.10017 United States of America Phone : 1-212- 972.1785 Fax : 1-212- 972.1786
Jakarta Consulate c/o P.T Waris & Co. Jl. Kebon Kacang 29/No.10, Tanah abang 10240 Jakarta Phone : 6221-334.428 /-322.127 /-337.571 Fax : 6221-327.503 /-324.550
SIERRA LEONE Embassy of the Republic of Sierra Leone No. 7, Dong Zhi Men Wai Da Jie Beijing, People’s Republic of China Phone : 8610 6532.1222 / 6532.2174 Fax : 8610 6532.3752
SOMALIA Embassy of the Somalia Republic House No. 21, St. no.56, F-6/4 Islamabad, Pakistan Phone : 279.790 / 279.789 Fax : 826.117
SOUTH AFRICA Embassy of the Republic of South Africa Wisma GKBI, 7th floor-Suite 705, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No.28 10210 Jakarta, Indonesia Phone : 6221-574.0660 Fax : 6221-574.0661
SUDAN Embassy of the Republic of the Sudan Wisma Bank Dharmala, 7th floor-Suite 01, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav.28 P.O. BOX 403, Jakarta 12910 Phone : 6221-521.2075 Fax : 6221-521.2077
SWAZILAND Embassy of the Kingdom of Swaziland 1706 Garden Tower building No.98-78, Woonni-dong, Chongro-ku P.O BOX 1427, Seoul, Republic of Korea Phone : 02-744.0263/4 Fax : 02-744.0265
TANZANIA Embassy of theUnited Republic of Tanzania 10/1, Savr Priya Vihar New Delhi 110016, India Phone : 685.3046 / 685.3047 Fax : 696.8408
TUNISIA Embassy of the Republic of Tunisia Wisma Dharmala Sakti, 11th floor, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No.32 Jakarta 10220 Phone : 6221-570.3432/ -570.4220 Fax : 6221-570.0016
UGANDA Embassy of the Republic of Uganda B3/No.26, Vasant Vihar New Delhi 110057, India Phone : 687.4412 / 688.5817 Fax : 687.4405
ZAMBIA Embassy of the Republic of Zambia 1-10-2 Ebara, Shinagawa-ku T 142 Tokyo, Japan Phone : 3491.0121/2 Fax : 3491.0123
ZIMBABWE Embassy of the Republic of Zimbabwe 85, Jalan Ampang Hilir 55000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Phone : 451.6779 / 451.7346 Fax : 451.7252

North America

CANADA Embassy of Canada Wisma Metropolitan I, 5th Floor Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav.29, 12920 Jakarta Phone : 6221-525.0709 Fax : 6221-571.2251
Surabaya Consulate Maspion Group Building, 3rd floor, Jl. Kembang Jepun 38-40 60162 Surabaya, East Java Phone : 6231-344.330 Fax : 6231-344.331
Bali Consulate Canada Jl. Prof. M. Yamin No. 4, Renon, Denpasar PO. Box: 243 Phone: 62-361 235092 / 3 Fax.: 62-361 231990
USA Embassy of the United States of America Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No.5 Jakarta 10110 Phone : 6221-344.2211 Fax : 6221-386.2259
Bali Consular Agency Jl. Hayam Wuruk No. 188,Denpasar Bali Phone : 62-361 233605 Fax. : 62-361 222426
Jakarta Consulate General Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No.5 Jakarta 10110 Phone : 6221-344.2211 Fax : 6221-386.2259
Surabaya Consulate General Jl. Raya Dr. Sutomo No. 33 Surabaya, East Java Phone : 6231-568.2287 /-568.2288 Fax : 6231-567.4492

Central America

COSTA RICA Embassy of the Republic of Costa Rica No.38, Kowa Building, 9th Floor, 901 4-12-24, Nishi Azabu, Minato-ku  T 106 , Tokyo, Japan Phone : 3486.1812 Fax : 3486.1813
CUBA Embassy of the Republic of Cuba Villa Pejaten Mas, Block G/No.4 Pejaten, Pasar Minggu , 12520 Jakarta Phone : 6221-780.6673 Fax : 6221-780.7345 /-780.6673
DOMINICA Embassy of the Republic of Dominica 3216 New Mexico Avenue Washington D.C., N.W.20016,United States of America Phone : 202-364.6781 Fax : 202-364.6791
GRENADA Embassy of the Republic of Grenada 1701 New Hampshire Avenue Washington DC, NW 2000 United States of America Phone : 202-265.2561
GUATEMALA Embassy of the Republic of Guatemala New York, United States of America Phone : – Fax : –
JAMAICA Embassy of the Republic Jamaica Toranomon Yatsuka Building 2-F 1-1-11, Atago, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105, Japan Phone : 03-3435.1861 Fax : 03-3435.1864
MEXICO Embassy of Mexico Menara Mulia Building, Suite 2306 Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav. 9-11, 12930 Jakarta Phone : 6221-520.3980 Fax : 6221-520.3978
Denpasar Consulate c/o PT. Astina Tours and Travel, Jl
. Prof. Mohamad Yamin no.1A Denpasar – Bali
Phone : 0361-223.266 Fax : 0361-231.740
NICARAGUA Embassy of the Republic of Nicaragua Permanent Mission of Nicaragua to the United States 820 Second Avenue, 8th floor New York, N.Y. 10017 United States of America Phone : 212-490.7997 Fax : 212-286.0815
PANAMA Embassy of the Republic of Panama 16 Raffles Quay No.41-06 Hong Kong Building, Singapore 048581 Singapore Phone : 65-221.8677 Fax : 65-224.0892
Jakarta Consulate General World Trade Center Building, 8th floor, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav.29-31 Jakarta 12920 Phone : 6221-571.1867 /-570.0218 Fax : 6221-571.1933
SAINT LUCIA Embassy of Saint Lucia 3216 New Mexico Avenue, Washington D.C., N.W. 20016 United States of America Phone : 202-364.67.92 -95 Fax : 202-364.6723
SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES 1717 Messachusetts Avenue, NW Suite 102, Washington D.C. 20036, United States of America Phone : 202-364.6730 Fax : 202-364.6736
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Embassy of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago 131 Jor Bagh, New Delhi 11000, India Phone : 461.8186 /461.8187 Fax : 462.4581
ZAIRE Embassy of the Republic of Zaire C-56 Panchsheel Enclave New Delhi 110017, India Phone : 622.2796 Fax : 622.7226

South America

ARGENTINA Embassy of the Republic of Argentina Menara Mulia Building, suite 1901, 19th floor Jl. Jenderal Gatot Subroto, Kav. 9-11 12930 Jakarta Phone : 6221-526.5661 Fax : 6221-526.5664
BOLIVIA Embassy of the Republic of Bolivia No. 38, Kowa Building, 8th floor/ Room 804 4-12-24, Nishi Azabu, Minato-ku T106 Tokyo, Japan Phone : 3499.5441/2, 3499.5456 Fax : 3499.5443
Jakarta Consulate
BRAZIL Embassy of the Federative Republic of Brazil Menara Mulia Building, 16th Floor, Suite 1602 Jl. Jenderal Gatot Subroto Kav. 9-11 12390 Jakarta Phone : 6221-526.56.56 -58, 526.5660 Ambassador’s direct line Fax : 6221-526.5659
CHILE Embassy of the Republic of Chile Bina Mulia I building, 7th Floor Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said, Kav.10, 12950 Jakarta Phone : 6221-520.1131 Fax : 6221-520.1955
Jakarta Consulate Bina Mulia I Building, 7th floor, Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav.10 Kuningan, 12950 Jakarta Phone : 6221-520.1131 2 lines  Fax : 6221-520.1955
COLOMBIA Embassy of the Republic of Colombia Central Plaza Building, 16th Floor Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 47, Jakarta 12920 Phone : 6221-6446 /-5701422 Fax : 6221-520.7717
Jakarta Consulate Central Plaza Building, 16th floor Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav.48, Jakarta 12920 Phone : 6221-516.446
ECUADOR Embassy of the Republic of Ecuador No.38 Kowa Building, Room 806 4-12-24, Nishi Azabu, Minato-ku T106, Tokyo, Japan Phone : 3499.2800 / 3498.3984 Fax : 3499.4400 / 3499.2866
PERU Embassy of Peru Bina Mulia Building 2, 3rd floor, Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav.11 Kuningan, Jakarta 12950
SURINAME Embassy of the Republic of Suriname Paramaribo-Suriname Phone : – Fax : –
URUGUAY Embassy of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay No.21 Jalan Taman U Thant Off Jalan U Thant, 55000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Phone : 243.3364 / 243.3379 Fax : 243.3723
VENEZUELA Embassy of the Republic of Venezuela Menara Mulia, Suite 2005, 20th floor, Jl. Jenderal Gatot Subroto Kav.9-11 Jakarta Selatan Phone : 6221-522.7547/ -525.7548 Fax : 6221-522.7549 E-mail


AFGHANISTAN Embassy of the Islamic State of Afghanistan Jl. Dr. Kusumaatmaja S.H.. No.15 Menteng, 10310 Jakarta Phone : 6221-314.3169 Fax : 6221-335.390
BANGLADESH Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh Jl. Denpasar Raya No.3, Block A-13 Kav. 10, Kuningan-12950 Jakarta Phone : 6221- 525.1986/ 522.1574/ 522.1729 Ambassador’s direct line Fax : 6221-526.1807
Padang Consulate Jl. Veteran No.17, Padang West Sumatra Phone : 0751-25001 /-31868 /-38338 Fax : 0751-33572
BRUNEI DARUSSALAM Embassy of Brunei Darussalam Wisma GKBI, Suite 1901 Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 28, 10210 Jakarta Phone : 6221-574.1437 /-574.1438 /-574.1439 Fax: 6221-574.1463
CAMBODIA Royal Embassy of Cambodia Panin Bank Plaza, 4th Floor Jl. Palmerah Utara No.52 , 11480 Jakarta Phone : 6221-548.4840 /-548.3716 Fax : 6221-548.3684
CHINA Embassy of the People’s Republic of China Mega Kuningan No.2 , Jakarta Phone : 6221-576.1037/38, -576.1039 Fax : 6221-576.1034
INDIA Embassy of the Republic of India Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said S-1, Kuningan 12950 Jakarta Phone : 6221-520.4150 /-520.4152 / -520.4157 /-520.4161 Fax : 6221-520.4160
Medan Consulate General Jl. Uskup Agung A. sugiapranoto No. 19 Medan 20152, North Sumatra Phone : 6261-531.308/-326.452 Fax : 6261-531.319
JAPAN Embassy of Japan Jl. M.H. Thamrin No.24 Jakarta Pusat Phone : 6221-324.308 8 lines Fax : 6221-325.460
Bali Consulate Jl. Raya Puputan, Renon Denpasar, Bali Phone: 62-361 227628 Fax.: 62-361 231308
Jakarta Consulate General Jl. M.H. Thamrin No.24 Jakarta Pusat Phone : 6221-324.308 /-325.268 Fax : 6221-315.7156
Surabaya Consulate General Jl. Sumatra No. 93 Surabaya, East Java Phone : 6231-534.0003 /-534.4677 Fax : 6231-531.5872
Ujung Pandang Consulate General Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 31 Ujung Pandang, South Sulawesi Phone : 62411-871.030 /-872.323 Fax : 62411-853.946
Medan Consulate General Jl. Suryo No. 12, Medan North Sumatra Phone : 6261-531.192 Fax : 6261-511.447
KOREA, Democratic Republic of Korea Embassy of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. X-5 Kuningan, 12950 Jakarta Phone : 6221-521.0181 /-522.2442 /-526.0066/ -521.0182/ 522.9551 Fax : 6221-521.0183
KOREA, Republic of Korea Embassy of the Republic of Korea Jl. Jenderal Gatot Subroto No. 57 P.O. BOX 4187 JKTM Jakarta Selatan Phone : 6221-520.1915 8 lines Fax : 6221-525.4159
KYRGYSTAN Embassy of the Republic of Kyrgystan 2-4-1, Ta Yuan Office Building Beijing, People’s Republic of China Phone : 8610-6532.6458/ -6532.6459 Fax : 8610-6592.6459
LAOS Embassy of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic Jl. Kintamani Raya C-15 / No.33 12950 Jakarta Phone : 6221-520.2673 /-522.9602 Fax : 6221-522.9601
MALAYSIA Embassy of Malaysia Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said, Kav.X/6 No. 1-3 Kuningan, 12950 Jakarta Phone : 6221-522.4947 8 lines Fax : 6221-522.4974
Medan Consulate General Jl. Diponegoro No.43 Medan, North Sumatra Phone : 6261-531.342 /-535.271 Fax : 6261-534.681
Pekanbaru Consulate Jl. Diponegoro No. 59 Pekanbaru, Riau Phone : 62761-22305/ -231.43
Pontianak Consulate Jl. A. Yani No. 42 Pontianak, West Kalimantan Phone : 62561-32.986 /-36.061 Fax : 62561-36.060
MONGOLIA Embassy of Mongolia No. 39, Tran Phu Street, Hanoi, Vietnam Phone : 844-845.3009 /-843.6256 Fax : 844-845.4954
MYANMAR Embassy of the Union of Myanmar Jl. Haji Agus Salim No.109 Menteng, Jakarta Pusat Phone : 6221-314.0440 / -327.684 Fax : 6221-327.204
NEPAL Royal Nepalese Embassy 189, Soi 71 Sukhumvit Road Prakanong, Bangkok 10110 Thailand Phone : 6221-390.2280 / -391.7240 Fax : 6221-381.2406
PAKISTAN Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Jl. Teuku Umar No.50 Menteng, Jakarta 10350 Phone : 6221-314.4008 /-314.4009 /-314.4011 Fax : 6221-310.3947 /-310.3946 / -310.3945
Medan Consulate Jl. Hang Jebat No. 3, Medan West Sumatra Phone : 6261-518.190
The PHILIPPINES Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 6-8 Menteng, 10310 Jakarta Phone : 6221-310.0302 / -314.9329 /-310.0334 Fax : 6221-315.9773 / -315.1167
Surabaya Honorary Consulate Jl. Kaliwaron 128, Surabaya 60285 Phone : 6231-593.9889, -592.6779 Fax : 6231-594.748
Manado Consulate General Jl. Lumimuut No.8, Tikala Kumaraka Manado, North Sulawesi Phone : 62431-862.365/-862.181 Fax : 62431-855.316
SINGAPORE Embassy of the Republic of Singapore Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said, Block X/4 Kav.2, Kuningan -12950 Jakarta Phone : 6221-520.1489 hunting
Medan Consulate Jl. Tengku Daud No. 3, Medan North Sumatra Phone : 6261-513.366, -513.134
SRI LANKA Embassy of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Jl. Diponegoro No. 70, Menteng Jakarta 10310 Phone : 6221-314.1018 / -316.1886 / -391.9364 / -315.1686 Fax : 6221-310.7962
Surabaya Consulate Jl. Putat Gde Permai 1 Surabaya 60189, East Java Phn./fax : 6231.715.732
Medan Consulate Jl. Raya Taman Setia Budi Indah no 1 Medan, North Sumatra Phone : 6261-800006 -8, -812.717, -813.188 Fax : 6261-8000010
THAILAND Royal Thai Embassy Jl. Imam Bonjol No.74 10310 Jakarta Phone : 6221-390.4052 / -314.7925 / -391.5651 / -310.7468 Fax : 6221-310.7469
UZBEKISTAN Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan Jl. Brawijaya Raya No.7 Block P-5, Jakarta Selatan Phone : 6221-739.9009 / -722.1640 / -913.4212/ -913.4213 Fax : 6221-722.1640
VIETNAM Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Jl. Teuku Umar No. 25 Menteng, 10350 Jakarta Phone : 6221-910 0163/-315 8537/-310.0358/-310 0359/-310 1805 Fax : 6221-314 9615


AUSTRALIA Embassy of Australia Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said, Kav.C15-16 12940 Jakarta Phone : 6221-522.7111 Fax : 6221-522.7101
Jakarta Consulate General Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said, Kav C.15-16 12950 Jakarta Phone : 6221-522.7111
Bali Consulate Covering the Bali and Nusa Tenggara Barat Province Jl. Prof. Moh.Yamin No.4, Renon P.O. BOX 3243, Denpasar-Bali Phone : 0361-235.092 / -235.093 Fax : 0361-231.990


ALBANIA Embassy of the Republic of Albania 2952 Jl.Bukit Ledang, Off Jalan Duta Kuala Lumpur 50480, Malaysia Phone : 253 7808 / 253 8102 Fax : 253.7359
AUSTRIA Embassy of Austria Jl. Diponegoro No.44 Menteng, Jakarta 10310 Phone : 6221- 338.090 / 338 101/ 310 7451/ 315 9912 Fax : 6221-390 4927
Bandung Consulate General Jl. Prabu Dimuntur No.4 P.O. BOX 1025, 40115 Bandung Phn./fax : 022-439.505
BELGIUM Embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium Deutsche Bank Building 16th floor Jl. Imam Bonjol 80, Jakarta 10310 Phone : 6221-316 2030 Fax : 6221-316.2035
Medan Consulate Jl. Patimura No. 459 P.O. BOX 1286, Medan, North Sumatra Phone : 6261-810.559
Surabaya Consulate Jl. Kupang Indah XIX /No.36 Surabaya Phone : 6231-711.511 / 082-310.2143
BULGARIA Embassy of the
Republic of Bulgaria
Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 34-36, 10310 Jakarta Phone : 6221-390.4049 / 390.4048
CROATIA Embassy of the Republic of Croatia Menara Mulia building, suite 2101 Jl. Gatot Subroto, Kav.9-11, 12930 Jakarta Phone : 6221-525.7822 /-525.7611 Fax : 6221-520.4073
CYPRUS Embassy of the Republic of Cyprus No. 30 Belle Crescent, Deakin ACT 2600, Canberra, Australia Phone : 06-281.0832/ -281.0834 /-6281.0871 Fax : 06-281.0860 /6281.0901
Jakarta Consulate PT. SBC Warbung Dillon Read Indonesia, Wisma GKBI, suite 1606, 16th floor Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 28 Phone : 6221-574.0111 Fax : 6221-251.1663
CZECH Embassy of the Czech Republic Jl. Gereja Theresia No.20 Jakarta P.O. Box 1319 Phone : 6221-390.4075 /-390.4077 Fax : 6221-336.282
DENMARK Royal Danish Embassy Bina Mulia building, 4th Floor Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said, Kav.10, 12950 Jakarta Phone : 6221-520.4350 Fax : 6221-520.1962
Jakarta Royal Danish Consulate Menara Batavia, 15th floor, Jl. K.H. Mansyur Kav.126 Jakarta 10220 Phone : 6221-574.5123 Fax : 6221-574.5234
Bali Consulate Jl. Jaya Giri VIII/ No.10, Renon, Denpasar 80234, Bali, Indonesia P.O. BOX 3188, Denpasar 80001, Bali Phone: 62-361 235098, 233053 Fax.: 62-361 234834, 238013
Medan Royal Danish Consulate Jl. Hang Jebat No. 2, Medan North Sumatra Phone : 6261-538.028 /-553.020 Fax : 6261-538.384
Surabaya Royal Danish Consulate Jl. Sambas No. 10, Surabaya 60241 East Java Phone : 6231-567.6754 Fax : 6231-568.7203
EU, European Union Representation of the European Commission Wisma Dharmala sakti, 16th floor, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav.32 PO BOX 6454 JKPDS, Jakarta 10064 Phone : 6221-570.6076 Fax : 6221-570.6075
FINLAND Embassy of Finland Bina Mulia Building I, 10th Floor Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said, Kav.10, Kuningan, 12950 Jakarta Phone : 6221-520.7408 Fax : 6221-525.2033
Bali Consulate Segara Village Hotel, Jl. Segara, Sanur Bali Phone : 62361-288.407 /-288.231 Fax : 62361-287.242
Batam Consulate Jl. Sutami Bukit Harimau, Batam Phone : 62778-322658 Fax : 62778-321.080/ 322.653
Medan Consulate Jl. Hang Jebat No. 2 Medan, North Sumatra Phone : 6261-538.028 /-553.020 Fax : 6261-538.3844
FRANCE Embassy of the Republic of France Jl. M.H. Thamrin No.20 Jakarta Pusat Phone : 6221-314.2807 Fax : 6221-314.3338
Bali Consulate Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai no.35 Sanur 80228, Bali Phone : 62361-285.485
Surabaya Consulate Agency Jl. Darmokali No. 10 Surabaya, East Java Phone : 6231-567.8639
Bandung Consulate Agency Jl. Purnawarman No. 32 Bandung Phone : 6222-421.2417/18
Balikpapan Consulate Agency c/o TOTAL Indonesia P.O. BOX 6 , Balikpapan Phone : 62542-24311
Yogyakarta Consulate Agency c/o Institute Franco-Indonesien Jl. Sagan 3 / No. 1, Yogyakarta Phone : 62274-566.520
GERMANY Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 1 Jakarta Pusat Phone : 6221-390.1750 Fax : 6221-390.1757
Medan Consulate Jl. Karim M S4, Medan North Sumatra Phone : 6261-537.108
Bali Consulate Jl. Pantai Karang No. 17, Batujimbar, Sanur, Bali, Indonesia P.O. BOX 100 Denpasar Phone: 62-361 288535 / 826 Fax.: 62-361 231990
Surabaya Consulate Jl. Kungkut Indonesia II Surabaya 60293 Phone : 6231-843.7711
GREECE Embassy of Greece Plaza 89, 12th floor Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Kav X-7/ No.6, Kuningan, Jakarta 12950 Phone : 6221-520.7776 Fax : 6221-520.7753
Jakarta Consulate Jl. Kebon Sirih No. 16 Jakarta 10110 Phone : 6221-384.3656 / -385.2771 /-381.1623
HUNGARY Embassy of the Republic of Hungary Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said, Kav.X/No.3 Kuningan, 12950 Jakarta Phone : 6221-520.3459 / -520.3460 Fax : 6221-520.3461
ICELAND Embassy of the Republic of Iceland Unit 1005/6 Landmark, 8 North Dongsanhuan Road Chaoyang District, Beijing, People’s Republic of China Phone : 8610-6592.7795/-6592.7796/ 650.16688-21005 Fax : 8610-6592.7801
Jakarta Consulate General Jl. Empang Bahagia No. 2, Jelambar Jakarta 11460 Phone : 6221-566.6650 /-566.6651 /-566.6752 Fax : 6221-566.6754
IRELAND Embassy of the Republic of Ireland 20 Arkana Street, Yarralumla ACT 2600, Canberra Australia Phone : 06-273.3022 Fax : 06-273.3741
Jakarta Consulate Jl. Terogong Raya No

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. 33, Jakarta 12430 P.O. BOX 1078 JKS JAKARTA 12010

Phone : 6221-769.5142 Fax : 6221-750.3644
ITALY Embassy of the Republic of Italy Jl. Diponegoro No.45 Menteng, 10310 Jakarta Phone : 6221-337.445 hunting 3 lines / -323.490/ -337.440 Fax : 6221-337.422
Bali Consulate Address : Jl. Bypass Ngurah Rai no.126G Sanur, Bali, Phone : 62361-289.728 Fax : 62361-289.743
LUXEMBURG Embassy of the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg Suite 1603, 16th floor, Menara Keek Seng 203, Jalan Bukit Bintang 55100, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Phone : 03-243.3134 Fax : 03-243.3157
NETHERLANDS The Royal Netherlands Embassy Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. S-3 Kuningan, 12950 Jakarta Phone : 6221-525.1515 Fax : 6221-570.0734
Bali Consulateresorting under the jurisdiction of the Netherlands Consulate in Surabaya Jl. Raya Imam Bonjol No. 599 Kuta, Bali 80119 Phone: 62-361 751571 Fax.: 62-361 752777
Jakarta Consulate General Jl. HR.Rasuna Said Kav.S-3 Kuningan, 12950 Jakarta Phone : 6221-525.1515
Bandung Consulate Jl. Diponegoro No.25 Bandung 40115, West Java Phone : 6222-431.419
Surabaya Consulate c/o ABN Bank, Jl. Pemuda No. 54, Surabaya East Java Phone : 6231-511.612 /-510.141
Medan Consulate Jl. Walter Monginsidi no.45, T/39, Medan 20152 North Sumatra Phone : 6261-569.823/ -536.130
NORWAY Royal Norwegian Embassy Website Bina Mulia Building I, 4th Floor Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav.10 Kuningan, 12950 Jakarta Phone : 6221-525.1990 2 lines Fax : 6221-520.7365
Bali Consulate Jl. Jaya Giri VIII /No.10 P.O. BOX 188, Denpasar 80001 – Bali, Denpasar 80234, Bali Phone: 62-361 235098, 233053 Fax.: 62-361 234834, 238013
Medan Consulate Jl. Haji Zainul Arifin No. 55-C Medan, North Sumatra Phone : 6261-512.974 Fax : 6261-559.245
ROMANIA Embassy of Romania Jl. Teuku Cik Ditiro No.42A Menteng, Jakarta Pusat Phone : 6221-310.6240/-310.6241 Fax : 6221-390.7759
RUSSIA Embassy of the Russian Federation Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said, Kav.X-7 / 1-2 Kuningan, Jakarta 12950 Phone : 6221-522.2912 / -522.2914 / -522.5195 Fax : 6221-522.2916 / -522.2915
Medan Consulate General Jl. Karim M.S. No. 17, Medan North Sumatra Phone : 6261-550.380
Surabaya Consulate General Jl. Sumatra No. 116 Surabaya East Java Phone : 6231-534.2091
POLAND Embassy of the Republic of Poland Jl. Diponegoro No.65 Menteng, 10310 Jakarta Phone : 6221-314.0509 hunting Fax : 6221-327.343
SLOVAKIA Embassy of the Slovak Republic Jl. Prof. Moh.Yamin, SH No. 29, Menteng PO BOX 1368, 10310 Jakarta Phone : 6221-310.1068 / -315.1429 Fax : 6221-310.1180
SLOVENIA Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia New York, USA Phone : – Fax : –
SPAIN Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain Jl. Haji Agus Salim No.61 Menteng, 10350 Jakarta Phone : 6221-335.937/-335.940 /-335.771 /-314.2355 Fax : 6221-325.996
SWEDEN Embassy of Sweden Bina Mulia Building I, 7th floor, Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said, Kav.10 Kuningan, 12950 Jakarta Phone : 6221-520.1551 Fax : 6221-525.2652
Bali Consulate Segara Village Hotel, Jl. Segara, Sanur P.O. BOX 3091, Denpasar 800030, Bali Phone : 62361-288.407 Fax : 62361-287.242
Medan Consulate Jl. Hang Jebat No. 2, Medan North Sumatra Phone : 6261-538.028, -332.020 Fax : 6261-538.384
Ujung Pandang Consulate Jl. Lamadukeleng No. 18 P.O. BOX 75, Ujung Pandang, North Sulawesi Phone : 62411-323.601 Fax : 0911-321.183
Surabaya Consulate Jl. Sambas No. 10, Surabaya 60241 East Java Phone : 6231-567.6754 /-567.6232 Fax : 6231-568.7203
SWITZERLAND Embassy of Switzerland Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said, Block X3/2 Kuningan, 12950 Jakarta Phone : 6221-525.6061 Fax : 6221-520.2289
Bali Consulate Swiss Restaurant Legian Kelot Kuta P.O. BOX 2035, Kuta 80361, Denpasa, Bali Phone : 62361-751.735 /-754.719 Fax : 62361-754.457
TURKEY Embassy of the Republic of Turkey Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said, Kav.1 Jakarta 12950 Phone : 6221-525 6250/-526.4143/-522 7440/-522 8879 Fax : 6221-522 6056/-527 5673
Medan Consulate General Jl. Dr. Mansyur No.122-124 Medan, North Sumatra Phone : 6261-812.981 /-812.982 Fax : 6261-812.983
UK Great Britain British Embassy Website Jl. M.H. Thamrin No

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. 75 Jakarta Pusat

Phone : 6221-315.6264 Fax : 6221-314.1824 /-390.2726 /-390.7493
Jakarta Consulate Jl. H. Agus Salim No. 128 Menteng, Jakarta 10350 Phone : 6221-390.7484 -88 Fax : 6221-316-0858
Bali Consulate Jl. Prof. M. Yamin No. 4, Renon, Denpasar PO. Box: 243 Phone: 62-361 235092 / 3 Fax.: 62-361 231990
Medan Consulate Jl. Jenderal Achmad Yani No. 2, Medan, North Sumatra P.O. BOX 1162 Medan Phone : 6261-518.699/ -519.992 Fax : 6261-518.699
Surabaya Consulate c/o Hong Kong Bank, Hyatt Bumi Modern, Skyline Building 3rd floor, Jl. Basuki Rachmat 106-128, Surabaya 60271, East Java Phone : 6231-532.6381 Fax : 6231-532.6380
UKRAINE Embassy of Ukraine Jl. Simprug Permata I / No.39 12220 Jakarta Phone : 6221-726.7575 /-720.5356 Fax : 6221-726.6969

Middle East And Mediterranean

EGYPT Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt Jl. Teuku Umar No.68 Menteng, Jakarta 10350 Phone : 6221-314.3440 / -331.141 /-335.350 Fax : 6221-314.5073
IRAN Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran Jl. H.O.S. Cokroaminoto 110 Menteng, Jakarta Pusat Phone : 6221-331.391 /-334.637/ -331.378 Fax : 6221-310.7860
IRAQ Embassy of the Republic of Iraq Jl. Teuku Umar No. 38 Menteng, 10350 Jakarta Indonesia Phone : 6221-390.406.7 -9 Fax : 6221-390.4066
JORDAN Embassy of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Jl.Denpasar Raya Block A -13 Kav.01-02, Kuningan , Jakarta 12950 Phone : 6221-520.4400 / -520.4401 Fax : 6221-520.2447
KUWAIT Embassy of the State of Kuwait Jl. Denpasar Raya Block A-XII / No.1 Kuningan Timur, 12950 Jakarta Phone : 6221-520.2477 /-520.2478 /-520.2479 Fax : 6221-520.4359 /-522.4931 / -526.5886
LEBANON Embassy of Lebanon Jl. YBR V/ No.82, Kuningan Jakarta 12950 Phone : 6221-526.4306 /-525.3074 /-520.7121 Ambassador Direct Line Fax : 6221-520.7121
OMAN Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman Jl. Langgak Golf No.6, Off Jalan Tun Razak 55100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Phone : 245.2827 / 245.2829 Fax : 245.2826
PALESTINE Embassy of the State of Palestine Jl. Diponogoro No.59 Menteng, 10310 Jakarta Phone : 6221-323.521 /-314.5444 /-310.8005 Fax : 6221-310.8011
QATAR Embassy of the State of Qatar Jl. Taman Ubud I/ No.5 Kuningan Timur, Jakarta, 12920 Jakarta Phone : 6221-527.7751 / -527.7752 Fax : 6221-527.7754
SAUDI ARABIA Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Jl. M.T. Haryono, Kav.27 Cawang Atas, 13630 Jakarta Phone : 6221-801.1553 / 801.1537 Fax : 6221-801.1527
SYRIA Embassy of the Syrian Arab Republic Jl. Karang Asem I /No.8 Kuningan Raya, 12950 Jakarta Phone : 6221-520.4117 /-520.1641 /-525.5991 Fax : 6221-520.2511
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Embassy of the United Arab Emirates Jl. Sisingamangaraja C-4, Kav.16-17 Kuningan 12950 Phone : 6221-520.6518 /-520.6552 Fax : 6221-520.6526
YEMEN Embassy of the Republic of Yemen Jl. Yusuf Adiwinata No. 29 Menteng, 10350 Jakarta Phone : 6221-390.4074 /-310.8029 /-310.8035 Fax : 6221-390.4946


NEW ZEALAND New Zealand Embassy BRI II Building, 23rd floor, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman, Kav.44-46 P.O. BOX2439 JKT 10024, 10210 Jakarta Phone : 6221-570.9460 /-570.9470 Fax : 6221-570.9457/ -570.9471
Bali Consulate Jl. Prof. M. Yamin No. 4, Renon, Denpasar PO. Box: 243 Phone: 62-361 235092 / 3 Fax.: 62-361 231990
PAPUA NEW GUINEA Embassy of the Independent State of Papua New Guinea Panin Bank Centre, 6th floor Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 1 , Jakarta 10270 Phone : 6221-725.1218 hunting Fax : 6221-720.1012
Bali Consulate Jl. Prof. M. Yamin No. 4, Renon, Denpasar PO. Box: 243 Phone: 62-361 235092 / 3 Fax.: 62-361 231990
Jayapura Consulate General Jl. Percetakan No. 23-B, Jayapura 99111 Irian Jaya Phone : 62967-31250 Fax : 62967-31698
MARSHALL ISLANDS Embassy of the Republic of Marshall Island 2-14-1, Ta Yuan Office Building Beijing, People’s Republic of China Phone : 6532.5904 / 6532.4657 Fax : 6532.4679 / 6532.5693
MICRONESIA Embassy of the Federated States of Micronesia Reinanzaka Building 2nd floor, 1-14-2 Akasaka Minato-ku T-170, Tokyo, Japan Phone : 3585.5456 Fax : 3585.5348
TONGA Embassy of the Kingdom of Tonga 36 Molyneux Street, W1H 6AB London, England Phone : 0171-724.5828 Fax :

Sources: Official embassy websites. The list may not be 100% complete.


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